Sunday, April 19, 2020

September GKE News Letter

GK Newsletter #009 - September 2019
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We are rolling toward summer in the Southern Hemisphere and I am sure everyone is stoked about that.
Super September has been a great month of training and racing around the world for our GKer's.
The start of the warmer weather down under has meant our Junior and Senior athletes have been enjoying some longer and more importantly dryer sessions.
Unfortunately some of those in Asia have been dealing with either excessive heat or excessive haze.
Whilst our North American athletes are starting to rug up and prepare for the final races of the season.

Super September covers
 Creating Successful Training Habits
Coached Sessions
Tips N Tricks = Best 12 hacks of all time
Getting to know You = With Mel Urie
Gear that caught our attention - Rouvy
Laugh for the Week



How many of you can confidently say you consciously do things on a daily basis that you would consider successful training habits? 
This is probably the single best thing you can focus on in order to reach the goals you set yourself. By being organised with some forward thinking you can minimise those missed training sessions and focus on creating a positive environment for success. 
Your positive training habits can be very different to someone else. 
Some examples may include: 
  • Preparing your gym bag in the evening before bed so that everything you need is in one spot, minimizing excuses for skipping a planned session.
  • Immediately hanging up your bathers  & towel to dry after returning from the pool so that it’s ready and dry before you leave for your next swim.
  • Entering your training plan into your calendar a week ahead of time so that you have enough time planned to not only do the training, but get to and from the training locations 
  • Positively visualizing the next day’s training, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones?   And doing the same for your goal race on a regular basis?
What are some that I do?
 - My swim gear (bathers, towel and equipment) is always in the car. Which means at any point in time going for a swim is an option! 
 - 6 days a week I like to roughly get up at the same time every morning. I feel better for it and it is my routine. One day a week I try and sleep in but usually that isn't much longer, I am a morning person :-) 
 - The same with going to bed at a regular time each night....knowing I can get a good amount of sleep. If I am not tired, switching off and reading my book, no phones, no T.V. We have become so addicted to social media.... just like everything there is a time and a place. 
 - The night before I will make sure everything is organised for the next day. If I have a long ride, my clothes are out, bottles and nutrition all organised. Tyres pumped up. Limiting what I have to do in the morning and less stress! 
 - It is no secret swimming is not my favourite of the 3 disciplines, so I have a few mantras that I use once I get to the pool and during the session. Reminding me why I am there and what I want to achieve. It is not going to happen by sitting at home! 
 - I try to Embrace every session, the good the bad and the ugly!! They all have a place in making me a stronger athlete. There are days when I can't hit the prescribed targets....that is okay....I switch the gadgets off and do what I can do! What if this happens on race day? I am going to do the best I can!
 - Avoid being negative! I am what! I am sore.....who cares! At the end of the day....I chose to do this...I am grateful I can do this and my body allows it and I am glad I feel that way.....means I have done something worth while to feel like that - Yah to Me!! 
 - Learning to switch off! This one is much harder than is sounds! If you have a recovery day or is okay to be lazy! It is okay to have that cake ( I will always have that glass of wine!) If it is an easy spin it is okay to ride for an hour, stop at the coffee shop and ride home. 

Have a think about your own training habits and what changes you can make. You don't need to do everything all at once, simply picking 1 or 2 things will make a difference. 



We have some great coached group sessions run by Janine for those of you looking for company . Reach out to Coach Janine for more info. 

Monday/ Wednesday and Friday morning from 5.30-7am at Arena Joondalup. If you are interested in attending these, please contact Janine and she'll be able to give you the low down. 

Tuesday Trainer session - 5.30-7am - Carpark #9 underneath Coles at Whitfords shopping centre. Enter off Banks Street. BYO trainer, towel and water! Janine will bring the "fun" and the tunes! 

- Thursday Morning Sessions - 5.30-7am - 
Meeting at The Raffles hotel and heading to Shelly foreshore for some TT efforts. 

Thursday evening - 5.30-6.30pm - Sorrento Surf club, working on strength and speed. Meeting at the picnic bench at the front of the surf club. Suitable for all levels
Contact Janine or your coach if you need more info. 

This week in Tips N Tricks 

What can we do do make out triathlon life easier?
Well below are 12 tips and tricks that will help you with your day to day triathloning.

Getting to know you

with Mel Urie

How did you first get involved in Triathlon/Endurance sport?

I watched a friend do a triathlon and thought it looked like fun.
I had zero running background so I decided to enter a couple of fun runs before doing a mini triathlon the next season. That was in 2005!

What are your goals for the coming year?
My main focus this year is Uberman. 34k swim (Catalina Channel Swim) 600k bike and 214k run (Badwater Run course).
I plan to be the first female to start and finish the event coming up in October!!
I have a 10 mile swim as a lead up race on 29th September which I’m exited about too.

I haven’t discussed next years plans with coach Kate yet but I have a few ideas. It will be much smaller though! I need a break from the super, ultra racing for a while. I’m sure Kate will be relieved to hear that!
(Coaches Notes - Yes she is!!)

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you at a Triathlon, running, swimming or cycling event?
I have Two.
First one was at a country Olympic distance race. I was told to leave my shoes off my bike by a well meaning friend (I usually have them attached) in transition as we started riding straight up a small hill. I ran out of transition with my bike and had forgotten to put on my shoes! So I left my bike at the exit and ran back for my shoes. Lesson learnt - never change your habits!!

Second was falling over at the very start of the run at Shepparton 70.3. A very lovely spectator came to check if I was okay but I was more embarrassed than anything!

What is your favourite movie?
If I want to sound smart - The Shawshank Redemption
But really, it’s Demolition Man. I have watched that movie more times than I can count!

Where is your favourite place to relax?
On the couch with my husband Michael and two cats, Wally and Tigger.

What is your best characteristic?
My mental strength to be able to push through anything and never quit.

What is your worst habit?
Not knowing when I should stop.
I have been vomiting non-stop on a training run and questioning if I should call it a day. I feel that this is one of the downsides to my incredible mental strength!

What is your favourite "go to" post race/event meal?
Vegan burger and chips

Do you have any pre-race rituals?
Not so much. I am usually pretty anxious and struggle to talk to people. I just hang out for the starters gun as I know I can then relax and get to what I need to do!

What are you most afraid of?
I would have no idea what to do if confronted with a bear!!

Adventuring, racing, birthdays and generally enjoying being the legends you are!!

Below is the link to Rouvy which is a new online riding program similar to Zwift and the like there of. But Rouvy is setting the bar higher with online graphics. They also have a free trial so you can try before you buy.



Not sure how I feel about this..... Mount Everest Summit

Laugh for the week 

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