Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Preparing for race day

So your tackling a triathlon for the first time? Or maybe you’re a repeat offender?

Here's a little list of the things we've learnt over the years. Rest assured we've made plenty of mistakes. We hope this list allows you to learn from them.
Lay your gear out the night before (write the check list of swim, bike, run to check through) Set two Alarms. (being late or missing the race because you over slept would not be great!)

Race morning
Allow plenty of time to get to the race venue
Rack your bike and do a walk through of transition. (Knowing how to get to your bike after the swim is crucial) 

Using a colourful towel to mark your spot is also good idea.
Make sure your bike is in an easy gear when you rack it.
Wear sunscreen (probably don't need to elaborate on this one)
Know the course. (Don't think, I'll just follow every one else! It's important you know where you’re going)
Try your race gear before race day. Got race wheels? Put them on and ride them. Haven't worn your wetsuit for a year? Put it on and swim in it, even in the pool!
Hydrate and fuel. Make sure you replace your fluids before, during and after the race.

Do a short warm up. Warming up relieves tension and gets your body ready for the day.
Take time to put your wetsuit on properly. Make sure it's fit well. (nothing worse than fighting your wetsuit for the swim)
If your worried about the swim start. Make sure you start to the side where the chaos is to a minimum

Draft: If you can get on someone’s feet and draft them, you'll save yourself energy that can be used later in the race

Make sure your cycling shoes (if you’re wearing them) are undone and the straps are loose so you can get your feet into them.
Wait for 3-4min before you start taking on Nutrition after the swim. This gives you a chance to get away from transition and other cyclists. It also allows your heart rate to drop a

little before starting to take on nutrition and fluid.
Use the corners or U-turns to get out of your saddle for a few pedal strokes. This will allow you to use different muscles and help prevent fatigue and discomfort
Aim to consume roughly 1 bottle of electrolytes per hour. This will ensure you don't get dehydrated.

Start slow and build into your run.
(Starting fast and fading usually ends in tears)
Use the Aid stations to drink/eat. (If you need to walk, time it with an aid station, allowing you to get that nutrition in).
Break the run down into smaller segments - it may be aid station to aid station, 1km at a time or lamp post to lamp post. But focus purely on that short term goal in front of you and repeat! Before you know it....you will be on your way home!

Most importantly - Soak up the atmosphere, dish out a few high fives to fellow competitors and spectators and enjoy that Finish Line!!!!

We look forward to seeing you race this weekend.

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