Thursday, November 26, 2015

Anthony Wilson reports on Mandurah 70.3

Hopefully the first of many race reports from Anthony Wilson. It's a quicker read than most. (not that all reports need to be long) Anthony's doing Ironman NZ in a few months time, So we'll get all the juicy details out of him for that one!! Thanks Anthony and well done!!

A light breakfast of 2 pieces of toast with vegemite & jam, plus threw a banana in there for good measure.

Drank most of a bidon of sports drink leading up to the start, one gel about 30 min before start. Logistics were a bit challenging so consumed these earlier than I would otherwise have done.

A current-impeded swim with the tide coming in so the course was a few minutes slower than last year, probably a 3-4 min difference. Had a bit of shoulder soreness so held back a bit on the swim. 36 min is not a good time for me. 32 min would be typical without current effects.

Ride started out at 260-270 watts, and slowly dropped off. Quad cramped at the start if 2nd lap so backed it off to 240-250 watts for the rest of the leg. Found I needed to concentrate on keeping it there toward the end, not because I was getting particularly tired but losing concentration/getting lazy. 2 bidons of sports drink on the bike and a gel every half hour, total of 5 gels I think.

Temp on the run was ~26 deg compared to about 34 last year so that accounts for some of the time difference. Started out at a bit over 5 min kms from memory as I warmed up and brought it down toward 5 min, however as the run progressed I knew this was not sustainable with this course and the effort on the bike. Was able to rally last half lap with good pace down the hill then got into a groove as I gritted it out to the finish. Couldn’t have run much faster in the last half lap; felt like I ran it out fairly strongly. A half cup of Endura sports drink at most aid stations but did not try anything solid or gels. Stomach a little delicate for that.

My usual nausea post-race that took a few hrs to subside. A wafer helped things a bit.

So happy with the race and pleased to be under 5 hrs for that course but was hoping to run 5 min kms.

Looking forward to some fun at club champs this weekend.

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